Sugar Shane
JoinedPosts by Sugar Shane
JW elder in Oklahoma, in JAIL!
by Sugar Shane inronald lawrence has been in the news before, though it was believed that the statute of limitations would keep him from being charged as a criminal.
i stumbled across this the other day.
trey bundy did a report on one of ronald's victims, but it looks as though more have stepped forward since.
Sugar Shane
Cool, I'm in! -
JW elder in Oklahoma, in JAIL!
by Sugar Shane inronald lawrence has been in the news before, though it was believed that the statute of limitations would keep him from being charged as a criminal.
i stumbled across this the other day.
trey bundy did a report on one of ronald's victims, but it looks as though more have stepped forward since.
Sugar Shane
Ronald Lawrence has been in the news before, though it was believed that the statute of limitations would keep him from being charged as a criminal.
I stumbled across this the other day. Trey Bundy did a report on one of Ronald's victims, but it looks as though more have stepped forward since. This, in turn, must gave gotten the attention of law enforcement, who investigated, and found him guilty on nineteen (19) counts of abuse!! This broadcast is from last fall, as far as I can tell. I could be wrong, but hopefully someone from that area knows more about the case.
I'm not a JW, but I know those who are. So, I guess I don't have a dog in this fight, in a direct sense. Despite this, I get mad as hell hearing about all the abuse and attemtps to cover it up.
If I were in this part of the USA, and a former JW, or a current 'thinking JW,' then I would send this link to any and all current JWs that I could. Even if it meant using an anonymous email account. Give 'em a day to click the link, then send a follow-up email, with something like,"apostate driven lies, MY ASS!!"
Hell, if any of you want to PM me with some emails, then I will send it off for you!! Just might take me a while to get to it, because I work alot.
Here's the link, now get off these discussion boards and DO SOMETHING about this! Hell, you might even send this link to news outlets in nearby cities. I'm guessing Tulsa? Okla. City? I'll bet they'd like to sink their teeth into this, in light of the assemblies, ect. which are hosted in these larger cities:
Why I think the J.W. Religion will be around for a long time yet.
by smiddy inon the one hand , if their is a disaster , a natural occurrence such as an earthquake , tsunami , tornadoes etc, the witness armageddon barometer kicks in .many fence sitters , relatives etc.
flock to the nearest k.h.
for a time.. on the other hand ,.
Sugar Shane
...and back to my earlier point, everyone who sees that vid, needs to send the link to every JW you know. Set up an anonymous email if you must. They need to be 'beat over the head' with REAL accurate knowledge. IMO -
Why I think the J.W. Religion will be around for a long time yet.
by smiddy inon the one hand , if their is a disaster , a natural occurrence such as an earthquake , tsunami , tornadoes etc, the witness armageddon barometer kicks in .many fence sitters , relatives etc.
flock to the nearest k.h.
for a time.. on the other hand ,.
Sugar Shane
Great points, Stonewall!
Whenever they speak of ISIS atrocities being a sign of the end, I remind them of all the Russians, or Poles killed in WW2.
This vid is a MUST-watch. It compares, in a most vivid way, the losses then, to now. A couple of JWs were recently telling me about ISIS, ect., and the "end of the wicked system..." I sent them THIS, and they've been awfully silent over the past few days:
Why I think the J.W. Religion will be around for a long time yet.
by smiddy inon the one hand , if their is a disaster , a natural occurrence such as an earthquake , tsunami , tornadoes etc, the witness armageddon barometer kicks in .many fence sitters , relatives etc.
flock to the nearest k.h.
for a time.. on the other hand ,.
Sugar Shane
He's right, no such word exists, MMAUB
At least my rant makes a helluva lot more sense than that terribly written & misquoting Bible 'Teach' book you use. What a waste of paper. At least they could put in on a roller so I could mount it next to my toilet.
Why I think the J.W. Religion will be around for a long time yet.
by smiddy inon the one hand , if their is a disaster , a natural occurrence such as an earthquake , tsunami , tornadoes etc, the witness armageddon barometer kicks in .many fence sitters , relatives etc.
flock to the nearest k.h.
for a time.. on the other hand ,.
Sugar Shane
From the outside looking in, the ex-JWs have a very legitimate reason to wish this cult would go away. I'll put it bluntly though, you guys and gals need to get better organized and get the word out there. Get your damn shit together once and for all!
A few months ago, someone had the bright idea of writing in mass 'dis-associate' letters to your respective Kingdom Halls. It seemed like a good idea, with many on board, then it just fizzled out. The highway billboard was a clever idea, but you need to keep it up, for Crissakes.
Coming on sites like this, and ranting is ok, but after a certain point it's wasted energy. Like the old Elvis song, you need "A little less conversation & a little more ACTION."
Some ex-JWs put up their own Youtube videos, which is good, but many are pretty amatuerish and sloppy. Many of the commenters look like they just woke up, or are sitting in their basement. It seems like the only ones watching them are ex-JWs and maybe a few curious JWs. Here's an idea, start your own EX-JWTV.ORG!! How f-ing hard can it be?!? You just need to get organized and decide whose doing what. Hell, if small, podunk towns can put together a local news studio to make the 'farm & market' report, surely you can come up with SOMETHING besides relying on the Trey Bundy's of the world to do all the legwork.
Oh, and speaking of smaller cities and towns, do you realize that most local news outlets have a special segment for people who have been wronged/scammed/fleeced/injured in some way? These outlets would probably be tickled to do a story on the JWs pedo problem. Just send them all the news clippings and links! Tell them to simply Google the term Jehovah's Witness, then hit the 'news' icon. Almost all the results are about the ABUSE!! Now try the same thing with....Baptist Church (for example). Barely anything on them. Maybe one story that sounds adverse, but no pedos.
C'mon people...DO SOMETHING!! Are the after-effects of having been JWs hindering you from acting? Seriously, I haven't been a JW, so it's an honest question, and not meant to insult.
Peace out, SS
Happy V-day to the Trey Bundy's of the world: this article showed up today!
by Sugar Shane inenjoy:.
The possible extinction of cults
by Sugar Shane inhere's a link to an interesting article on the apparent demise of cults.
i can remember being accosted by various culty groups back in the '70s, while walking through the airport in lax.
this article ties the dwindling number of cults in western culture, to a shift towards secularism.
Sugar Shane
Here's a link to an interesting article on the apparent demise of cults. I can remember being accosted by various culty groups back in the '70s, while walking through the airport in LAX.
This article ties the dwindling number of cults in western culture, to a shift towards secularism. I wonder if the JWs are a part of this trend, yet perhaps slower to die out due to sheer numbers.
As mentioned extensively in other threads, the bad press against JWs, along with leaks, and everything else available on the internet would certainly accelerate their downfall. I believe that the smaller cults which have all come and gone are tantamount to the 'canary in the coal mine,' and are indicative of what's in store for the Watchtower.
Here's the link:
Control - Whose worse, the JWs or the traditional churches?
by fulltimestudent inwe once experienced, the "you'll die at armegeddon," fear instilled into us as jw's.. was that worse or better than the fear of eternal torment instilled by more conventional religions?.
john spong gives his view.
Sugar Shane
Correction: Joel LIVED in the modest house for a long time. But, I think he's since "moved on up." Wonder if Victoria was naggin' away at him. LoL -
Control - Whose worse, the JWs or the traditional churches?
by fulltimestudent inwe once experienced, the "you'll die at armegeddon," fear instilled into us as jw's.. was that worse or better than the fear of eternal torment instilled by more conventional religions?.
john spong gives his view.
Sugar Shane
Trying to compare a soul sucking 24 7 cult to a Joel Osteen type 45 min pep talk once a week.
And you can't figure out which one is worse?
What a stupid thread.Agreed. I was exposed to the Methodist Church as a child, and later the Disciples of Christ. After marrying a JW (she converted after marrying) I can attest to the difference. At no time, during my youth, did either the Methodists or D.O.C. disfellowship, or mark someone for not agreeing with everything. We were never fed a steady diet of, " the end is near," or "the wicked system of things."
On the contrary, it was more the positive side:"Jesus died for us & our sins." "Be like Jesus' disciples, help those in need."
The Disciples (D.O.C.) in particular, are real big on open discussion during Sunday school. One isn't just mindlessly regurgitating answers from a Wathtower style study guide. But, using the brain God gave you to think, and make others think.
Sure they "passed the plate" every Sunday for donations, but the church finances were handled locally, and it was fairly transparent, as I recall. The pastors at both churches were pretty non-blingy. I think one drove an old Buick & lived in a smallish house. Heck, even Joel Olsteen lives in the same modest house he bought way before getting famous. Anyway, there was never any of this "we have the TROOF, and only us" bullshit, in my experience.
Sure, you can find the hardcore, evangelical, fire & brimstone ("ur goin' to hell in a handbasket!") type churches out there, but none that I'm aware of have such power over their members as the JWs. This includes the power to destroy families and hide pedophiles via the threat of DF and shunning. The only 'religion/denomination' I've heard of this is Scientology. The Worldwide Church of God might've done this, as well as several smallish sects. But, to compare JWs to mainstream Christian churches is apples & oranges. No, make that apples & potatoes.